The TradeLab Executive Committee comprises of the following members:
Tradelab Governance
Meet our Executive Committee

Katrin Kuhlmann
Visiting Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center, USA

Jan Yves Remy
Deputy Director, Shridath Ramphal Centre, Barbados

James Nedumpara
Head of Centre for Trade and Investment Law, India

Ana Chuc Gamboa
Postdoctoral Fellow, Queens University, Canada

Dmitry Grozoubinski
Executive Director, Center for Trade and Economic Integration, IHEID, Switzerland

Scott Andersen
Visiting Lecturer, IHEID, Switzerland

Caroline Henckels
Associate Professor, Monash University Faculty of Law, Australia

Nicolas Lamp
Assistant Professor of Law, Queen's University, Canada

Tomasz Milej
Professor, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Lucas Spadano
Supervisor, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
TradeLab is incorporated in Switzerland as a non-profit under the Swiss Civil Code
Membership in TradeLab requires an extensive application process and the approval of a pilot program:

Membership of TradeLab is open only to universities/ centres that participate or want to participate in a legal clinic or practicum part of the TradeLab network (“member organizations”). The members, currently standing at 15, are:
- Georgetown University, School of Foreign Service, USA
- Georgetown University Law Center, USA
- Centre for International Trade and Investment Law (CTIL), India
- Monash University, Australia
- National University of Singapore, Singapore
- Kenyatta University, Kenya
- The University of the West Indies, Barbados
- Queen’s University, Faculty of Law, Canada
- The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID), Switzerland
- Trade Policy Training Centre in Africa (TRAPCA), Tanzania
- European Public Law Organization (EPLO), Greece
- University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law, Canada
- University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Bocconi University, Italy
- University of Sao Paulo, Brazil