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Thinking back to the experience I had during the Tradelab program, I’ve found that this is one of the most enriching experiences that I ever had during my undergraduate law program at the Universidad de los Andes. This experience was enriching for two main reasons:

The first reason is because of the possibility to experience one-on-one communication with clients. This is a very important skill that most lawyers don’t get to learn until they are working. As students, speaking with clients directly is a rare experience and, in the Tradelab clinic, we were not only able to engage in this interaction, but were guided by our supervisor, who helped us keep the conversation on the right track.

The second reason I found Tradelab a very enriching experience is that it helped us develop our teamwork skills. We realized very early on that if we weren’t in sync, our final output was not going to be the best one possible.

I would like to recommend that every student should participate in this. It is a great learning experience, and helps students in different legal areas such as international economical law, contracts law, tax law and others.